Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Morning/Day

The traditional Christmas morning line up on the stairs...


Presents from each other...

 Figuring it all out...
Solar panels...

 Hydraulic robotic arm for Spencer.

Pirate ship for Matthew.

 Kate and Logan ready for a nap!

On to painting...
This one works, now can we put the other one together, Dad?

A good time was had by all.  Another wonderful Christmas!

Christmas Eve

Each year we have a fancy, candle light dinner on Christmas Eve.  Katelyn said this year that she looks forward to it all year long and just loves it!  It made my day!
 Then we have some kind of program.  Sometimes we dress up and act out the nativity, sometimes we have the missionaries over and they help us, sometimes we use our nativities and move them around to tell the story, we always read Luke 2, which Jay is doing here.  This year he also asked each one of us to pick a picture on our Jesus wall and tell a little bit of what's happening in it, why we like it, and what it meant to us.  It was so great.  Matthew started, we went youngest to oldest, and we all picked different pictures and aspects of Jesus' life and ministry and basically bore testimony to each other.


 Then, we open two presents.  One is our Goates Kids t-shirt from Grandma and Grandpa Goates and the other is pajama pants.

We always take pictures of the kids by the trees on Christmas Eve.

 In this one they even look like they love each other! :)
 We had crazy pajama pants this year.  I made them out of scraps from Christmases past, so each of the four panels was a different fabric and in Kate's case a different kind of material.  I think they all agreed they are the best they've ever had!

And, here is the whole G3 family in our Goates Kids t-shirts!

Merry Christmas 2013 from the Warnick Family

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas!

We weren't disappointed.  We in fact had a White Christmas.  It started as rain, glazed and froze over, and then turned to snow during the night.  It just happened to be the Saturday night before the last Chiefs home game, so it made work miserable for Jay (he went into work at noon Sat. and got home about 6:30 Sun night) and our little car couldn't get up the hill to get us to our Christmas Church meetings, but it did bring us some snow for Christmas.  It wasn't a lot, it didn't pack well, but the kids enjoyed it while it lasted.

It was bitter cold, and you could see the grass poking through the snow, but they kept going out.  The magical power of the 1st snow of the season!

Logan in motion...

Just a few pictures of Logan playing with his indoor soccer team.

He's had fun and improved in his soccer skills.  It is a very different experience playing and watching indoor soccer as opposed to Spencer's outdoor soccer.  Good times!  Way to go Log for trying something new and learning another skill.